IFS Leadership


Board of Directors and Leadership

A twenty-member international board of directors governs the affairs of IFS. Day-to-day management is supported by one elected executive director and one communications staff member from the hosting organization. The organization is incorporated in the state of New York and its headquarters are currently based in New York City, hosted by University Settlement. IFS headquarters rotate between member organizations on a volunteer and voting basis, and have been associated with the location of the IFS President.

The volunteer board of directors meets at least twice each year via conference call and once each year in person at a hosting member organization. Board members also meet at the bi-annual seminar and once every four years at the all-IFS conference . The board is responsible for developing and approving budgets, guiding policy decisions, setting agendas for conferences and trainings, fundraising, recruiting new members, strategic planning, communicating messages to members, and sharing the resources of IFS with member agencies. For more information on our governance, please read our bylaws online now.

Executive Director

Staffan Lindqvist, Sweden

Communication Manager
Junias Kanyinda, Finland

Board Officers

Pentti Lemmetyinen, Finland, IFS and Board President
Michael Zisser, USA, Immediate Past President
Renate Wilkening, Germany, Vice President - Europe
Anne Babcock, Canada, Vice President - North America
Veronica Guruceaga, Venezuela, Vice President - Central & South America
Michelle Mills, USA, Vice President - Membership Outreach
Susan Dreyfus, USA, Treasurer
Tony Wagner, USA, Past President

Board Members

Melissa Aase, USA
Tony Armstrong, UK
 Frida Dahlberg, Sweden
Theo den Hertog, The Netherlands
Roderick Jones, USA
Sabine Geringer, Austria
Dominique Garet, France
Peter Gizcey, Hungary
Anu Haapanen, Finland
 Joanna Holmes, UK
Etti Isler, Israel
 Thijs Van Mierlo, The Netherlands
Staffan Lindqvist, Sweden
Susan Matloff-Nieves, USA
Roberta Nassar, USA (UN Representative)
 Chanda Smith Baker, USA
Allison Wallace, USA