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Michael Hicks

Michael Hicks works as an actor, musician, and teacher.  Most recently, he has performed at Merry-Go Round Playhouse and Flat Rock Playhouse doing RING OF FIRE and Capital Repertory Theatre playing Freddy in MY FAIR LADY and Michael in JAMES JOYCE'S THE DEAD.  Other acting credits include Weston Playhouse, Florida Studio Theatre, Swine Palace, Depot Theatre, and Cape Fear Regional Theatre.  Michael studied piano at the community education division at Eastman School of Music.  He makes much of his living as an audition accompanist in New York while also playing an assortment of other instruments from the accordion to the trumpet.  He music directed all over the east coast and taught for the MFA program at Rutgers University (Mason Gross School) as well as The Studio in New Canaan, CT.  He is happy to be back on faculty at CAP 21 directing and coaching this semester. Visit his website at




Person #1203, priority 100, last updated on Fri, Sep 4, 2015
Owned by ckruise, controlled by cap21  
Child of Voice and Music  
Content language is en-us (native)  
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