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Students interested in applying to the BFA program need to do the following:

A picture of Molloy College/CAP21 BFA students

Submit a Molloy Application or complete the Common Application. Once all official documents have been received by Molloy College, applications will be reviewed academically. Upon academic clearance, students will receive a link via email where they will be able to set up the date and time of their departmental audition. **Please note that it is not necessary to contact Molloy/CAP21 regarding the status of your application. Once the academic review process is complete for your individual application, you will be contacted to schedule your audition.

The Molloy College/CAP21 BFA Program requires each applicant to prepare two contrasting 32-bar cuts of a song showing range and storytelling ability, along with a one-minute monologue from a published play or screenplay (no Shakespeare). Please have a second contrasting selection prepared if asked. Although a dance audition is not required, there will be a dance portion offered on select dates for students wishing to showcase their dance abilities.

It is highly recommended that auditions be conducted in-person, but auditions may be submitted electronically for students living outside of a 500 mile radius from audition locations. Following "artistic" acceptance (which will take place in the spring), the successful applicant will then be officially enrolled as a Theatre Arts BFA student.

For more information, please contact Rebecca Overton, Theatre Arts Recruitment Coordinator, at




Book #259, priority 106, last updated on Mon, Nov 25, 2024
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Child of CAP21  
Content language is en-us (native)



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