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2-Year Professional Musical Theatre Training Program (Certificate Program)

All applicants must demonstrate the following proficiencies for admission to the 2-Year Professional Musical Theatre Training Program:

  • Acting: clear articulation of individual goals, sufficient English skills and the ability to understand language, ability to take direction, healthy speaking voice sounds, potential of the vocal instrument
  •  Singing: sufficient musicianship applicable to singing with accompaniment and clear and healthy sounds in the singing voice. Female applicants must demonstrate healthy head-voice sounds. CAP21 does not accept students with an obvious vocal pathology.
  •  Dance: a healthy physical instrument to participate fully in the program, kinesics awareness, sense of rhythm, level of proficiency in dance technique.

CAP21 has a rolling admissions policy. Applications are processed and reviewed immediately, when ALL MATERIALS have been received by CAP21. Applications lacking any components will not be processed. Once all materials have been reviewed, you will be contacted for a telephone interview and to schedule a live audition.

CAP21 reserves the right to refuse applicants in order to maintain a high level of professional training.  

Admissions Deadlines

Prospective students submitting an application after May, 1 2016 should contact the Admissions Department at:

Acceptance Notification for the 2016-2017 Academic Year will be sent by April 1, 2016

Admissions Overview 

  • Submit application either electronically or regular mail by the above deadline.
  • Auditions held until sections have been filled. You will be contacted to schedule an audition date and time.
  • Early Action Applicants will be notified within 30 days of their in-person/electronic audition
  • All other applicants will be notified by April 1st
  • Actor confirms their acceptance within 30 days of their acceptance notice
  • Tuition deposit due within 30 days of acceptance
  • Payment plans available
  • First semester classes begin in late August

Audition Material: 2 songs and a monologue

Songs: The two songs should be contrasting in acting choices and vocal style. At least some portion of the songs should demonstrate a legit musical theatre sound. If your songs do not satisfactorily demonstrate a legit sound, the audition panel will vocalize you to determine the range and skill level of your head voice. Songs should be no longer than 2 minutes each. Prepare a 30 second cut of each song in case the audition panel asks for a shortened version. An accompanist will be provided.

Monologue: The monologue
should demonstrate your acting and storytelling skills. Choose material that is age appropriate, from a role that would be appropriate for your type, and shows your strengths as an actor. Acting choices in the material should contrast your acting work in the songs. The monologue should be 2 minutes or less.

Audition Dates: After your phone interview, we will schedule an audition date and time for you. Auditions will be held until all spaces have been filled.

For  additional information and answers to any questions please contact our Admissions & Recruitment Department.

For Regular Mail sub missions Applicants need to send in the following paperwork:

  • Application form
  • Headshot (8x10 black and white or color photo)
  • Resume
  • 2 (two) letters of recommendation
  • Application and audition fee of $100 (non-refundable) payable by check, money order, or credit card
  • High School or College Transcript

Address to send application materials:

Attn: Director of Admissions & Recruitment
18 W. 18th Street
New York, NY 10011

Prospective students can now submit their application materials on-line. To submit your application electronically, please click the acceptd logo above. Please note that acceptd charges an additional $25 fee for this service.

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Wait List Policy:
Wait lists are created when a program meets maximum capacity. The proficiency expectation criteria for programs listed in the CAP21 Student Handbook and on the CAP21 website will be used to determine placement on a program's wait list. The size of the program and departmental projections will determine the number of students placed on a program's wait list. If a student is accepted into a program from the wait list, they will be notified when the position becomes available. If a student is not accepted from the wait list into a program, they will be notified at least 30 days prior to the start date of the program.

Veteran Benefits

Veteran's attending CAP21 are eligible for the GI Bill. Please click here for more details.

Cancellation Policy for VA Students:
A VA student may cancel the enrollment agreement at no penalty by notifying the school in writing within seven (7) days after agreement was signed provided the student has not entered into instruction.

If the VA student cancels the agreement, the school may retain $10.00 of the registration fee.

If the student withdraws or is discontinued after instruction has begun, the school may keep:

  • $10.00 of the established registration fee.  The amount in excess of $10.00 will be subject to proration.
  • The stated cost of such text books, tools, etc. as have been accepted by the student.
  • An amount based on hours of attendance – and absences – from first to last day of attendance multiplied by the prorated hourly rate of the tuition.

All money due to the eligible veteran student will be paid within 30 days.

International Applicants

International applicants interested in attending CAP21's 2-Year Professional Musical Theatre Training Program must provide documentation of appropriate visa status. CAP21 does not currently sponsor international student visas for our 2-Year Professional Musical Theatre Training Program. International students are encouraged to apply for the Molloy College BFA Program.

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Page #30338, priority 107, last updated on Mon, Jan 11, 2016
Owned by cbeck, controlled by cap21  
Child of 2-Year Professional Training Program  
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1 icon Application PPRO and PRAC 9-2-14.pdf Application-PPRO-and-PRAC-9-2-14 file 326KB cbeck cap21 100 active 1 0 - - en-us en-us Sep 11, 2015 Sep 11, 2015 04:18 pm none
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