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Scott Wojcik

Scott Wojcik has lived in NYC since 1992. He attended Bentley College in Waltham, MA where he studied Management & Marketing and did his graduate studies in Arts Management at Texas Tech University. While at TTU, he also did extensive undergraduate course work in acting and directing.

Following work in Dallas and on tour, his acting brought him to NYC. Scott supplemented his acting career by working as a freelance Casting Assistant for several Independent Casting Directors until 1999 when he joined Charles Rosen Casting. Scott became partner of Rosen & Wojcik casting in 2005.

His work as an Arts Presenter during college and grad school led to an interest in producing. To further that interest, Scott aligned his skills with partners Charles Rosen and Bill Castellino to form CRW Productions, a company that creates customized theatrical events. From 2002 till 2007 CRW produced projects that ranged from corporate fundraisers, philanthropic events to new musicals and developmental readings as well as a multi-million dollar product launch in South America.

In addition to casting, Scott pursues his interest in education by teaching audition skills. He teaches regularly for SAG, NYU and Vassar's summer program. Along with co-teacher Susan Pilar, Scott has developed a curriculum called "FUSE". FUSE is designed to help recently graduated acting students bridge the gap between the academic and professional acting environment.




Person #1404, priority 100, last updated on Fri, Sep 4, 2015
Owned by jbulleri, controlled by cap21  
Child of Voice and Music  
Content language is en-us (native)

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