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Tatyana Pyatkovskaya

Tatyana Pyatkovskaya was born in the city of Lvov, in the Western Ukraine. She graduated with a triple degree in Music Theory, Music Literature and Piano. Shortly after graduation she accepted a job as a piano accompanist at the very prestigious Lvov Theatre of Opera and Ballet. She accompanied ballet classes, rehearsals and performances for the Ballet Theatre Productions including, Giane', Creation of the World, Spartacus, Swan Lake and many others. She has taught piano the Theatre of Opera and Ballet (Lvov) as well as classes in classical ballet and historical/folk dance. 1n 1989 Tatyana moved to Italy to work as an accompanist for the Netunno School of Arts. In 1990 she relocated to New York City and has accompanied ballet classes at Broadway Dance Center, STEPS, Bernard College, Alvin Ailey School, Alvin Ailey Ballet Company and Tricadero De Monte Carlo Company.




Person #2274, priority 109, last updated on Wed, Feb 17, 2016
Owned by jbulleri, controlled by cap21  
Child of Accompanists  
Content language is en-us (native)

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