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Mijin Jung

Mijin Jung was born in a musical family and started piano lesson at age five. She had been classically trained as a pianist and composer through performing art school. She has a BM in Jazz composition and performance from Berklee College of Music, and a MM in contemporary improvisation from the New England Conservatory. She has worked with the Boston Ballet School, Boston Conservatory, the Juilliard School, Cedar Lake Dance, Mark Morris Dance Group, the Martha Graham School, the Limon Institute, Marymount Manhattan College, the New School, Peridance, Steps on Broadway, Broadway Dance Center, Ballet Arts, Ballet Hispanico, the Joffrey Ballet School, Manhattan Youth Ballet, and Dance New Amsterdam. She has been also collaborate w/choreographers, singers, performers.




Person #1373, priority 115, last updated on Wed, Feb 17, 2016
Owned by jbulleri, controlled by cap21  
Child of Accompanists  
Content language is en-us (native)

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