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Aimée Francis

Aimée Francis is an alum of Western Michigan University where she received her BFA in Directing and Theatre Administration.  Aimée has worn a variety of hats including director, teacher, performer, tour manager and administrator with such companies as The Augusta Barn Theatre (MI), Top Hat Productions (MI), Kidstuff Touring Musical Theatre (MI), Pennsylvania Stage Company (PA) and Jean Cocteau Repertory (NYC).  She has been the Associate Conservatory Directory at CAP 21 since March 1998.  As a teacher for CAP21, courses have included Musical Scene Study, Acting Scene Study, Vocal Performance and Script Analysis.  Some favorite past directing experiences include Andrew Lippa's The Wild Party, CABARET, Into the Woods, A Quiet End, Big Mother, The Frog Prince, and Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune.  Aimée also directed and co-authored an original musical piece with CAP21 dance faculty member and alum, Austin Eyer, entitled, Hardback Fantasies and Paperback Secrets.  At CAP 21, Aimée has also had opportunities to direct several special event cabarets, as well as assist with CAP 21's Annual Benefits.




Person #2361, priority 114, last updated on Thu, May 26, 2016
Owned by ckruise, controlled by cap21  
Child of Conservatory  
Content language is en-us (native)

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