

Halloween is right around the corner. What's your favorite "scary themed" Broadway musical?
The Addams Family
Young Frankenstein
Into the Woods
The Rocky Horror
pollcode.com free polls


Special thanks to everyone who took last month's poll which asked: "Which Musical Theatre Icon Would You Most Like To Share The Stage With?"

And the winner is...


"Sutton Foster"

If you have specific ideas for alumni events, please feel free to share at alumni@cap21.org


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Alumni Updates:


Stacie Bono (above) class of 2003 is joining the cast of Avenue Q at New World Stages.


Amanda Brantley (above) class of 2012 will be appearing in the National Tour of Dirty Dancing.

Dan DeLuca (above) class of 2012 will be appearing in the National Tour of Newsies.



Matt Dengler (above top) class of 2010 and Matt Gibson (above bottom) class of 2004 are appearing in the original musical The Underclassman.



Jack Falahee (above) class of 2011 has a leading role on ABC's new drama How to Get  Away with Murder.



Kate Ferber (above) class of 2006 recently appeared at 54Below.



Max Jenkins (above) class of 2006 is appearing in the new TV show The Mysteries of Laura with Debra Messing.



Grace Mclean (above) class of 2005 is appearing in the musical Bedbugs. Check out this great New York Times review.



Katrina Michaels (above) class of 2013 will be appearing as Ruth in Tribes at Florida Repertory Theatre.



Matthew G. Myers (above) class of 2004 will be working at Washington DC's Tony Award winning Signature Theater in a workshop of the new musical Midwestern Gothic by Joshua Schmidt this coming November. Then in March he will be making his debut at the historic Ford's theater in Washington DC in 'Freedom's Song', a new incarnation of Frank Wildhorn's The Civil War. 


Ricky Saunders (above) class of 2012 will be appearing in his one man show at 54Below.



Ryan Worsing (above) class of 2007 will be appearing in Paper Mill Playhouse's Broadway bound production of Can-Can.

Send us your updates, youtube clips, photos and more by clicking here.


Beyond the Classroom:

Larry Arancio (above) recently appeared as Alan Hulquist in the episode "Look Before You Leap" on the ABC's new series Forever.


Ann Dowd (above) received a wonderful review in the LA Times! Check it out!



David Hibbard's (above) Winter Audition Technique class will begin soon! Next 6 week session starting Wednesday October 29th, thru December 10th (no class 11/26 for Thanksgiving holiday) 



Email hibbcap21@gmail.com for more details




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