


The holidays are right around the corner. What's your favorite holiday themed musical number?
Turkey Lurkey Time

White Christmas
We Need A Little Christmas
Hard Candy Christmas
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
pollcode.com free polls

Special thanks to everyone who took last month's poll which asked: "Halloween is right around the corner. What's your favorite "scary themed" Broadway musical?"

And the winner is...


"The Rocky Horror Show"

If you have specific ideas for alumni events, please feel free to share at alumni@cap21.org


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Alumni Updates:


Stacie Bono (above) class of 2003 is joining the cast of Avenue Q at New World Stages.



Dyllon Burnside (above) will be appearing as a Lost Boy in the upcoming TV version of the musical Peter Pan.



Geoff Goldberg (above) is choreographing a piece for the upcoming BC Beats Choreographers Showcase.



F. Michael Haynie (above) will be appearing as a Lost Boy in the upcoming TV version of the musical Peter Pan.



Katrina Michaels (above) is appearing as Ruth in Tribes at the Florida Rep Theatre.



Clinton Roane will be appearing in Five Guys Named Moe at the Arena Stage.


Jennifer Seifter (above) will be appearing in the National Tour of Memphis.


Shaina Taub (above) will be a part of the American Songbook concert series at Lincoln Center.


Send us your updates, youtube clips, photos and more by clicking here.


Beyond the Classroom:


Mana Allen(above) co-taught this summer with David Loud the Fordham Summer Music Theatre Workshop and is on faculty of Broadway Theatre Project. She is currently teaching Vocal Performance at CAP21, and Musical Scene Study at Barnard College. She  performed in the SMILE reunion concerts (along with her daughter Molly) at 54 Below. She also directed a Fiddler On The Roofo sing-along and show-and-tell at the New York Public Library of the Performing Arts with Sheldon Harnick.



Barbara Anselmi's new musical It Shoulda Been You (which was developed in two CAP21 Theatre Company Writers Residencies) is headed to Broadway!!



David Hibbard's (above) Winter Audition Technique class will begin soon! Next 6 week session starting Wednesday October 29th, thru December 10th (no class 11/26 for Thanksgiving holiday) 



Email hibbcap21@gmail.com for more details.




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Child of November 2014  
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